FATIMAH Khan (Letters, May 14) asked why thousands of people in Burnley had voted for the BNP. I am sure that the people of Burnley and, may I say, people in many other towns are fed up with people screaming 'Racist!' at the drop of a hat.

For far too long the media, the police and other organisations have been muted for fear of being branded racist. With regards to Britain being an all-white country, I must say that to date I have not heard any BNP representative making that remark. Any intelligent person would know that would be an impossibility.

With regards to Ms Khan's views on fascism, I wonder what name she would apply to the thugs arrested by the police at the council meeting on May 15 at Burnley Town Hall, apparently directing violence against democratically-elected members of the British National Party?

We are supposed to be living in a democratic society, don't you agree?

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