I FEEL compelled to express my disappointment to the objectors of the Velvet Lounge lap-dancing club (LET, May 23).

It is the opinion of myself and many of my friends (male, female, young and old) that such establishments should be a welcome feature to any town's nightlife.

If we want to be regarded as a modern, forward-thinking, up-and-coming city, such sophisticated establishments are essential in order to enhance the portfolio of attractions and the reputation of Blackburn.

High-class establishments where couples enjoy a pleasurable night out in safe surroundings would enable Blackburn to compete with places such as Preston, Burnley and Accrington in attracting visitors into the town centre.

I no longer wish to feel as though I'm entering a run-down mill town when returning home from Manchester, so, therefore, the fashionable facilities that already frequent vibrant and exciting cities should be available here.

As for Blackburn College objecting to public houses, I don't think such a stance is likely to reflect those of the education centre's customers -- the students.

Having lived on the Oxford Road student corridor in Manchester, it is clear to see that all bars and clubs go hand-in-hand with any 'real' university.

As for the objections raised by local health chiefs, I don't remember such a protest being made when the Chippendales performed at King George's Hall recently.

Were any objections made over women leaving the venue sexually aroused, resulting in 'unfortunate' males using the town centre that night, running a gauntlet of sex-hungry females?

Finally, I wish the Velvet Lounge every success and I am pleased the council have moved with the times.

THOMAS BIDDLE, Plymouth Grove, Manchester.