A BLACKPOOL schoolgirl certainly had the opposition licked in a competition to design a Lollipop Person of the future.

Five-year-old Daniella-Louise Moody's glittery picture of a Lollipop Robot was Blackpool's winner in a national competition run by Hyundai Car (UK). The competition asked kids to put down on paper their impressions of a Lollipop Person in 50 years' time.

Daniella-Louise's imaginative design, featuring a robot-style Lollipop Person complete with glittery, red hair, shiny lollipop stick and funky, silver uniform, won her a selection of art materials for her Penrose Avenue school.

A Hyundai spokesman said: "We received thousands of entries for this competition, but Daniella-Louise's picture really caught our attention.

"We hope that the new equipment will prove inspiring to Daniella-Louise and her classmates and encourage a few artists of the future!"