CONGREGATIONS from St Stephen's CE Church and Bolton Road Methodist Church in Bury joined forces for the annual Walk of Witness.

Despite the heavy rainfall, almost 200 churchgoers turned out to demonstrate their faith.

And pictured checking if the rain had ceased are these brownies from the 13th St Stephen's pack (from left) Abigail Kay (8), Holly Brown (8) and Jessica Bell (8)

The procession set off from Bolton Road, following Farnworth Band on the route along Mile Lane, Newington Drive and Coleville Drive. On the way, they stopped for a hymn and at the conclusion of the walk there was a short service at St Stephen's, led by lay reader Joyce Fowler.

The Rev Paul Spencer, of Bolton Road Methodist Church, said: "The Walk was to celebrate Pentecost and marks the Holy Spirit and the 'birthday' of the church. It's a chance for us to show that the Church is alive and well and strong."