CHILDREN and low income families will be encouraged to eat more fruit and vegetables thanks to a £150,000 grant.

The money has been secured by Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Primary Care Trust as part of a two-year deal from the New Opportunities Fund, one of five good causes funded by the Lottery, to support the Government's Five a Day programme.

Evidence suggests eating at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day can reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes and some cancers.

However, the latest research from the Food Standards Agency's consumer attitudes survey shows that compared to other English regions, consumers in the North West are least likely to eat fresh vegetables, salad and fruit and least likely to have eaten five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.

The new grant will fund the East Lancashire Five a Day Community initiative which aims to improve access to fruit and vegetables for families on low incomes.

A range of activities are planned over the next two years including training programmes to flag up the benefits of fruit and vegetables, encouraging healthy lifestyles through growing schemes and cooking and tasting days and linking in to existing initiatives such as the free fruit for schools scheme and the Healthy Living Centres.

Dr Ellis Friedman, Director of Public Health for the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT and head of the new scheme, said: "This funding provides us with a welcome opportunity to tackle health inequalities related to food. The aim of our scheme is to increase the capacity of both professionals and community groups to deliver and support food and health work.

"Our scheme has a particular emphasis on supporting families on low incomes and primary school aged children and will complement the work that is already going on in and around the target communities."