IT is some time since the Rev Kevin Logan started a long-running debate on evolution versus creationism. It has been perpetuated partly by those who, like Mr Logan, don't understand the rudiments.

Others have broadened the argument to questions or assertions covering many aspects concerning religion and it was interesting to read comments of Martin Smith (Letters, May 22) who said about evolution that he never doubted it or thought about it.

How can something be properly understood without some thought being given to it? Mr Smith goes on to tell us that, "Judgment Day is inevitable." Beliefs such as this and the existence of ghosts and a devil exist only in the human mind.

There is no such thing as the supernatural -- everything in the world and universe is natural. Neither can anything exist which is invisible -- whatever it is, with the exception of tiny viruses and bacteria too small to be seen without magnification.

ALBERT J MORRIS, Clement View, Nelson.