WE all are aware these days of the need to develop energy from renewable sources, but all such developments should be in sympathy with the local environment in scale and effect.

The proposed Scout Moor wind farm, on the moors between Edenfield and Rochdale and above Owd Betts, is one which appears to ignore its impact on the surroundings, both near and far.

Scout Moor and Knowle Moor dominate the skyline of almost all of the north Greater Manchester area, being situated between Holcombe Hill and the Pennines. Scout Moor can be clearly seen from the hills of the Peak District National Park above Macclesfield and far more readily from the Bleaklow and Kinderscout in the northern Peak.

So what is so different from the wind farms we have seen so far?

Well all 26 of the proposed wind turbines are more than two-thirds the height of Blackpool Tower and painted brilliant white. You can image the effect on the landscape. In this respect, the proposals actually conflict with the guidelines on the siting of wind farms, published by the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA).

In the meantime, there seems to be little direct consultation with the public at large, just two cursory exhibitions at Heywood and Rossendale where the displays show the effects minimised by discriminate artistic impressions and computer graphics. There appears to be no consultation proposed with Bury Council, whose residents are among those most affected and where the views from Holcombe Hill will be severely diminished. I urge readers to find out more about this development from United Utilities and Peel Holdings (try their websites).

Furthermore, the public should not be morally blackmailed on environmental issues when our heritage is being blighted for commercial interest. If companies were seriously concerned about carbon dioxide emissions they would be actively promoting energy conservation alongside renewable energy.

In conclusion I quote Lord Geraint Howells of Ponterwyd: "While wind energy is renewable our finest landscapes are not."