I WOULD like to make a public apology for my comments at the Lancashire Police Authority Community Meeting in Hyndburn on Thursday, June 19.

I had understood the notices announcing the meetings to say 'Have your say,' 'Topics for discussion' and 'Lancashire's extended use of speed cameras also under discussion' (LCC press release 443). I had not realised that to actually attempt to do these any of these three things would cause the chairman to become cross.

Maybe it was one of the advertised 'topics for discussion,' in particular the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety -- which caused difficulty. After just one query, following a presentation by Linda Sanderson, the partnership's communications manager, the chairman refused to take further questions.

Perhaps Ms Sanderson could at the end of this series of Community Meetings write a press release, claiming the public had been consulted and were happy with the partnership's work.

How disappointing that the way the meeting was conducted detracted somewhat from the reassuring contributions of the police officers present.

JOHN DUCKWORTH, Bostons, Great Harwood.