CANAL towpaths will echo to the sound of marching feet this autumn when the second Walk On Water event takes place.

The Manchester, Bolton, and Bury Canal walk, on Sunday October 26 is one of nine individual inland waterway walks taking place across the UK between August and October.

The event, organised by national charity The Waterways Trust in partnership with Burdens Charitable Foundation, aims to raise sponsorship to help improve access for people with disabilities to the UK's beautiful canal and river network and to fund the building of a school for blind children in West Africa.

At Nob End, Little Lever, walkers can see the unique lock flight that lifted canal boats up 66 feet in just 200 yards.

Those with an adventurous streak can take part in the event in fancy dress.

Last year at the launch event, Walk On Water attracted thousands of walkers from across the country and raised more than £80,000 for charity. Anyone wishing to join in should telephone 0151 373 4387. Entry is free and walkers raising £50 or more will receive a free limited edition Walk On Water T-shirt.