A MAN who allegedly triggered a woman's murderous rage when he was caught in bed with her gay partner told a jury: We didn't have sex.

And a murder trial at Preston Crown Court has also heard that Louise Berry, 19, attacked another man with a crowbar for no apparent reason in the days before the death of her lover, divorced mum-of-two Mandy Burton.

Mrs Burton, 30, died on August 14, 2002, three days after her skull was smashed with five sickening blows from a blunt weapon at the home she shared with Berry in Moorgate Street, Blackburn.

Andrew Hollern, who had known the couple for a few weeks, fancied Mrs Burton and wanted to have sex with her, his cousin John Hollern, of Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn, told the court.

The two Hollerns and the gay couple sat drinking beer into the early hours of August 6, 2002, in the backyard of the Moorgate Street home, the jury was told.

John Hollern claimed Berry, for no reason, hit him three times with a crowbar at around 2am.

He told the court this happened after Berry, who has denied murder and actual bodily harm, saw Mrs Burton sitting on his cousin's knee.

That night, the jury heard Mrs Burton and Andrew Hollern shared a bed.

But Andrew Hollern, who had just broken up with his girlfriend at the time, told the court: "I shared a bed with Mandy and Louise came in and saw us but nothing had happened.

"Louise was not happy about it. She picked up some stuff and said she was going to her grandma's and left."

The court heard that Berry made a tearful and hysterical 999 call shortly after in which she said she was going to kill Burton and added: "I am too young to go to jail."

Police were sent to the house and Berry was taken to her grandma's by officers. Several hours later, the police were called again as Berry had returned to Moorgate Street, claiming to have taken an overdose, the court heard.

PC Olivia Forshaw helped calm Berry down. She said: "She told me about Mandy Burton having an alcohol problem in that she recently had to sell her bed for £10 to finance Mandy Burton's alcohol.

"She also explained that Mandy Burton continuously invited males to the house, which, she believed, she was having sexual relationships with.

"She said she had been to see her GP because she was depressed but could not elaborate on what medication she was taking.

"She also said she didn't like that Mandy Burton had invited some males to the house that day."

But, the jury was told, Berry recovered and returned to Mrs Burton the following day for a reconciliation.

Andrew Hollern said he saw them again that day, and on Saturday and said they seemed fine.

He added: "Mandy was like any normal, happy person having a laugh."

Steven Champ, an old friend of Mrs Burton, who he had recently re-met, told the jury he was with the murder victim and Berry until approximately 8.30pm on Sunday, August 11 -- an hour before Mrs Burton was found injured.

He said the couple had been drinking Vodka and coke and that Mrs Burton was quite aggressive, while Berry was quiet.

Mr Champ told the jury he left the house because of Mrs Burton's behaviour, but then called back briefly to ensure they were still friends.

He denied the accusation of Alastair Webster QC, that he was a glib liar for claiming Berry didn't leave the house before him.
