A GOOD school which achieves high academic standards while providing a supportive and caring community. That was the verdict on Bury Grammar School (Girls) by the Independent Schools Inspectorate.

The inspection, which was conducted in March, also found the Bridge Road school ensures its pupils' broader education and personal development and is well supported by the very good extra-curricular activities, particularly its excellent standards of musical performance.

The quality of teaching was said to be "good" and in a third of lessons visited it was described as "very good or excellent". Teachers were described as well qualified, experienced, well motivated, caring and committed.

Attendance is good overall, pupil absence without permission is extremely rare and most pupils are punctual. Their behaviour was said to be "exemplary".

The Inspectors said: "The school provides a good curriculum, which is well balanced and suited to all pupils across the full age and ability."

School accommodation and other facilities are "good overall" as are facilities for games and sporting activities

Although the inspectors said the school had no major weaknesses, there are still areas that could be improved. These include developing better formal links between the kindergarten, junior and senior schools; making better use of data to monitor and evaluate the performance of specific groups of pupils, particularly the most able; making the provision and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the senior school more satisfactory.

Headteacher Bobbi Georghiou said: "I am delighted with the report, particularly as it praises our pupils for their achievements and behaviour and our teachers.

"We are very proud of our long tradition but we now serve an even wider area with many of our pupils travelling from the Greater Manchester area."

She added: "It is excellent to have the strengths of the school publicly acknowledged but we are a learning community and there are lessons to be learned from any inspection.

"For example, the governors have already set up a programme to make significant immediate and then long-term improvements to our provision for ICT.

"The Inspection report makes it clear that we are already in a strong position; we plan to build on this and go from strength to strength."