I AM writing in response to your article Drinks Ban Protest (June 24).

I have two children who attend Springside Primary and I fully support the new healthy eating programme. To say that the headmaster is telling our children what they can eat and drink is a complete myth. Letters were sent to parents asking for their views and a meeting was also held to discuss the new rules. The majority of parents were in support; therefore it was a decision effectively made by the parents not the head.

Knowing the majority of the teachers at Springside, I find it quite insulting to them that anyone should allege that lunchboxes are searched and drinks sniffed. I have had no complaints from my children; in fact they think it is great that they can drink their water in lessons. So I say good work, Springside; my children are a lot healthier. And here's to democracy.


Ashe Farm,

Croston Close Road,
