AS PART of our Pride of East Lancashire Campaign we are searching to find the area's Outstanding Volunteer.

In Blackburn and Darwen there are around 300 organisations which welcome volunteers and several could not survive without them.

Denise Gordon is co-ordinator for the Millennium Volunteers, which helps 16 to 24- year-olds into voluntary positions, with Blackburn with Darwen Volunteer Bureau.

She said: " A number of people have stereotypical images of volunteers and imagine them all to work in charity shops.

"And while that is a valuable role there is much more to volunteering. Basically there is a wide range of opportunities available whatever your interests.

"Some people come to us with specific ideas about what they are interested in, perhaps because it ties in with a college course. Others don't know until they get here but they know they want to help.

"In terms of the organisations they are helping, I think there are some that could not survive without volunteers.

"And for the people being helped by the organisation, particularly the elderly without family, the volunteers are often the only people who spend time with them."

Denise says volunteering is also highly beneficial for the volunteers themselves who can gain a great deal from the experience.

She said: "Volunteering helps to build confidence and self esteem, it is a way of making friends, discovering new skills and may result in references and extra material to put on your CV."

Anyone who would like to find out more can call 01254 694113.

If you know a volunteer worthy of our award, or are one yourself, log onto or complete a coupon in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph or Citizen.

Nominations for all 11 awards must be received by September 30.