A SUMMER fete and family fun day takes place at Royles Brook Primary School, Marsh Road, Thorton this Sunday (July 130, 1.30pm-4.30pm.

Fun includes a grand raffle with £200 prize money, BBQ and licensed bar, bouncy castle and inflatable ball pool and various stalls.

WYRE Home Organ Society's next concert will be held at Thornton Sports and Social Club, Holly Road (off Trunnah Road) on July 15. This month's guest organist will be Jean Martyn.

The concert starts at 8pm, doors open at 7pm. Admission £2 for members, £3 for guests, children free. For details call 01995 640284.


BLACKPOOL Male Voice Choir presents a concert tomorrow night (Friday, July 11) at Springfield Methodist Church, Bispham Road. Seats £3.50 including refreshments.


AN afternoon tea and rose competition takes place next Wednesday (July16) at Cleveleys United Reformed Church, Rossall Road, 2pm-4pm. Take a hybrid tea rose, floribunda rose, fragrant rose or miniature rose to enter the competition (25p entry fee per rose). Admission to the event will be £2.50 including afternoon tea and music from Ray Rudge. There will be a bring and buy stall and raffle. Proceeds to Christian Aid.


DID you leave Hodgson High on 1978? If so, you're invited to a Hodgson reunion at The Place, Hardhorn Rd on Saturday, Sept 20. Tickets available from Ogdens Butchers, Village Walks or telephone Andy Moore on 07977 978311.


Fylde folk are invited to St Gregory the Great's church, Blackpool Rd, Deepdale this Sunday (July13) for a fair, from 1pm.