A 95-YEAR-OLD woman was left terrified after two women robbers forced their way into her home.

Today police labelled the thieves 'cowardly' for picking on their elderly victim and leaving her badly shaken.

Police said two women in their 20s banged loudly on the pensioner's front door and windows between 3pm and 4pm on Saturday.

When the 95-year-old, who has not been named by police, answered the door she was pushed backwards and hit a door frame.

The two women then searched the house in Water Street and stole a purse containing more than £100 in cash.

PC Mark Oates, of Accrington Police, said they may have told the woman they were from door-to-door catalogue firm Betaware.

And police today urged pensioners to use door security chains and ask to see identification before opening their door to callers.

He said: "The aggrieved was left badly shaken but has no lasting injuries.

"This was a cowardly crime where unnecessary force was used as the lady was in no position to offer any resistance.

"Anyone who saw these women before or after the incident or knows who they are should contact Accrington CID.

"We would also remind people to exercise caution when answering the door by using chains and always asking for ID."

Mrs Sylvia Jones, 69, of Water Street, said: "It sounds really awful. You can't believe things that happen these days. I always keep my door locked and use the peephole if anybody knocks on the door.

"Things aren't the same as they used to be."

Another resident, who did not want to be named, said: "It is absolutely dreadful. I was brought up here two streets away and you never heard of anything like this happening.

"Nowadays it just seems to be getting worse and worse. This is absolutely awful."

The victim was too shaken to give detailed descriptions of the robbers.

But anyone with information should call Accrington CID on 01254 353743.