DAVID Hinks wanted to be an archaeologist. He planned on finding fame and fortune with the discovery of a lost temple. Luckily for the teaching profession, he realised his destiny lay elsewhere.

Now Mr Hinks who has been a teacher since 1964, a head since 1980 and has served at Towneley County High, Burnley, since 1976, is hanging up his gown and retiring.

You have had a long career in teaching. How can you sum up how education has evolved over the years?

There is no comparison between the teaching of today and when I began in the profession. But it is difficult to say if it is better of worse. Some things are a lot better but quite a lot is worse, particularly the influence of politics.

Now education is a political football. Politicians call it school improvement but a lot of teachers would just sing Grand Old Duke of York -- we have gone up and down the hill so many times we can no longer remember where it is.

What are your fondest memories in school?

Nobody comes into this profession for any other reason than watching children develop and blossom. It is one of the greatest jobs and I think we sometimes forget that. There are not many careers that can have such an influence on other people's lives and make a real difference. Despite all the funding crises and tribulations, the students come first.

Students must have a really good start then?

That is what we are aiming for. There have been improvements in building facilities and technology but I think the greatest improvements stretch further than that. Youngsters now have chances to travel and learn new things. There are a whole range of opportunities.

What is your subject background?

I am originally a history and religious education specialist. I wanted to roam around digging things up until I realised there was no money in it!

Any nicknames?

Plenty including Jinxy, Pharaoh and Spok -- when I had black hair -- but now it is all white!

And your retirement?

I am looking forward to fishing on the River Ribble and hope to catch a few salmon. I enjoy travelling and watching cricket. I love reading medieval murder mysteries, spy stories or ancient history.