REGARDING your story (LET, September 5) about Darwen's 'victory' in the fight to have the name of the 'Blackburn' services on the M65 in Darwen changed. This must be the most hollow victory in Darwen's history -- that is, if you can call it a victory.

If the owners of the site had called the motorway services turn-off Blackburn with Darwen in the first place, true Darweners would have been up in arms about it and quite rightly.

But because it was called Blackburn Services and is now going to be changed to 'Blackburn with Darwen' we are supposed to be happy with the result. Well, I, for one, am not. This, in my opinion, has been yet another way of taking something away from Darwen and insulting the intelligence of Darweners at the same time.

When will the people who are supposed to represent Darweners do what they have been elected to do -- that is, for Darwen to be recognised and to have control of itself?

I just hope that the other towns which Blackburn with Darwen are in the throes of taking over see what has happened to Darwen over the last 27 years and vote accordingly when the opportunity arrives.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.