with the Rev Kevin Logan, Vicar of Christ Church, Accrington.

CLIMB aboard. We're off on a space cruise. First-class cabin, great company of 20 celebrities, out-of-this-world views. It's free.

Just one thing: never ask where we're going or when we'll get there. Okay?

A week flies by. Midnight chocolate feasts, dancing and drinking. Whoops! There goes another week. Time travels like express starlight.

Fun whirls you into a sixth week when suddenly you wonder where you're going. Sssh! Don't ask. Sixteen weeks and sixty and you wonder when you'll get there. Then, it's six years!

You, rebel that you are, can't stand it a second longer. You break into the captain's cabin to sneak a look at the cruise log.

It seems there's more than us on board. Below decks there's another 80, though their skin's not pink and they're skeleton thin.

Our fifth of the population are educated, wealthy and healthy while the other four-fifths are not. Some of the well-heeled 'celebs', you read, have been using below-deckers almost as slave labour, keeping them down and profits up.

The destination? We 'haves' are destined to stand before the throne of the one who wrote the log and created our space ship. He'll want to know how we've treated the 'have nots'. ETA could be any time.

(Story fades into reality).

This week, aboard Space Ship Earth, upstairs traders meet among demonstrating 'have nots' in downstairs Mexico. Protesters say it's all show. The upstairs wealthy say it isn't, as they eat, drink and make merry.

A section of S.S. Earth's cruise log, written by the ship's creator, calls them fools (Luke's Gospel, Ch. 12).

How's the cruise for you?