REGARDING the article (LET, September 8) on Blackburn Council's apology for the comic-opera outfit, Capita, the company has been a disaster since it started in March, 2001.

My personal experience was in September that year when I waited approximately seven months for a back-dated rent.

I eventually contacted my MP, Janet Anderson, who, after several phone calls, managed to solve the problem. I was very grateful.

At present, I am once again waiting for a rent due from May 2, 2003, (132 days and still counting). I suppose I could contact Janet once again, but I am sure she has more important things to attend to.

Capita's motto is, believe it or not, 'Report it and we'll sort it.' As well as benefits they are responsible for highways -- traffic, street lighting, road maintenance and road safety. God help us.

No wonder Darwen is such a pathetic dump. Hyndburn Council, take note.

F CROMPTON, Lightbown Street, Darwen.