TOWN Hall bosses are embarking on a major overhaul to bring services closer to residents across the borough.

They have agreed a new "customer contact" strategy to make it easier for people to contact council departments, pay bills and raise questions about council services.

The programme has already started, with a £250,000 refurbishment of facilities at Radcliffe's Whittaker Street offices now under way.

The improvements have been prompted by customer feedback and a complete review of existing arrangements.

The plans include:

an improved website and greater ability to complete council forms, pay bills and download information.

a new telephone system, and new council information points in public buildings such as libraries.

a new corporate uniform and complaints procedure.

modernised reception rooms and improved interpretation services.

Carolyn Wilkins, assistant chief executive, said: "These changes will impact on all that we do: improving such things as the way we sign our buildings, our use of plain English in publications and increasing the range of services available on-line.

"We will also be asking residents what they think of the changes as well as testing ourselves using 'mystery shoppers'."