CLIVIGER Parish Council held their September meeting on Friday at the Village Hall, where details of the proposed car park for use of visitors to the hall were considered.

A letter of comment from a resident was read out and objections were raised by a borough councillor on behalf of nearby residents, but the parish council decided not to raise any objections to the proposal with Burnley Borough Council.

NO objections or observations were made on an application for construction of a conservatory to the rear of 42 Greencliffe Lane, or on application for transfer of Justices Licence for the former Gems Restaurant.

TWO representatives of the parish council will attend a Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety conference at Leyland on 20 September.

BOROUGH councillors were asked to clarify with Burnley Council when funds from the Capital Opportunities Fund will be released for planned projects in the parish.

MS Cosima Towneley was co-opted onto the parish council to fill the remaining vacancy, which had recently been publicised.

THIS Sunday is Scarlett's Stride in aid of St John's Church Restoration Fund.

The 12 mile walk (or run) starts from the church at 10am (11am runners), with check-in available for half an hour before the start time. Entry before the day is available at £4 per person or £13.50 for family entry (2 adults + 2 children), entry on the day is £1 extra per adult. For safety reasons all entrants must check in at the above times, all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Sponsorship forms are also available to increase the amount raised for the church. For further details ring Eric or Kath on 459136.

COUNCILLORS were told that the report and recommendations of the Cliviger Challenge will be ready for the next meeting, in October, which will allow the council time to develop their action plan and achieve funding for the 2004/2005 financial year.

A vote of thanks was minuted to all the volunteers who have given up their time to make the consultation process a success.