EAST Lancashire Partnership has been chosen to help run the network of forums which will act as the patients' voice in the NHS.

Working with volunteer organisations, the ELP will provide support for the several Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) forums which will take over from community health councils when they close on December 1.

A massive volunteer recruitment programme is under way to get at least seven people for each PPI in East Lancashire before that date. There will be a PPI forum for each NHS trust which operates in East Lancashire -- the three primary care trusts, Calderstones and East Lancashire Hospitals Trust.

The ELP will train volunteers, promote communication between forums and provide administrative support.

Meanwhile, complaints are being handled by a new Independent Complaints and Advocacy Service (ICAS) being run in the North West by Citizens Advice.

MPs and CHC staff were outraged after the announcement last month that the nearest office to East Lancashire is around 30 miles away in Skelmersdale.

Although home visits from trained staff are available, East Lancashire patients will have to rely on an 0845 phone number. Opponents said patients would be losing a valuable drop in service that CHCs provided.

Local people interested in becoming a member of a PPI Forum should ring 0845 120 7115 for an application pack or register at www.maketimeforhealth.org