A WOMAN who was regularly beaten by her abusive husband is helping to launch a police initiative clamping down on domestic violence.

Susan Wilkinson met her partner in the late eighties and for a decade was subjected to horrifying acts of violence.

Even now the slightest thing can trigger memories of the past, leaving Susan screaming for help.

But now the physical scars have healed, and her life moved on, the Preston mum is using her experience to help other women.

Susan, 46, from Ribbleton, said: "I still live in fear of him. He was very manipulative, and if he wasn't beating me he would do it through fear.

"The physical scars heal but the mental ones don't, so it has left me very nervous." Susan's story is just one of many to have prompted Lancashire Constabulary to target domestic violence in a new operation.

Shocking figures revealed this week have shown that about 40 per cent of all murders or manslaughters can be attributed to domestic violence and, so far this year, the figure already stands at nine deaths.

Detective chief inspector Steve Brunskill said: "What we are trying to do is raise the awareness of domestic violence murders. If we know about them there are things we can do to stop them.

"At the moment it is only when we start our investigations that we find there is a history of violence."

Anybody suffering domestic violence can call the Preston women's refuge on 01772-201601 or South Ribble's women's refuge on 01772 435865. Alternatively, call the police on 01772-209115.