AN international Buddhist monk launched a meditation handbook at a Clitheroe bookshop.

The Venerable Kelsang Namkhyen, resident teacher at the Losang Dragpa Buddhist Centre, Todmorden, launched the New Meditation Handbook, which contains 21 step-by-step meditations designed to develop a positive mind and increase happiness.

The launch took place at Clitheroe Books in Moor Lane and David Vennells, a spokesman for the Todmorden centre, said it was a huge success.

"About twenty people came and it was a really interesting and enjoyable event," he said.

The Losang Dragpa Centre was featured last week on the Richard and Judy Show on television in an eight-minute slot on alternative places to take a holiday.

The centre offers weekend meditation breaks in a peaceful, quiet country setting.

Clitheroe Books is hosting a new series of weekly meditation classes in its newly-opened Meditation Room starting on Wednesday, September 24, at 7pm.

The classes are suitable for beginners and experienced meditators. They cost £4, concessions £2, and refreshments are included.