'SETTING the record straight.' Following a public meeting at Carelton, Wednesday, Spetember 3, arranged by the Labour Party, it would appear that neither Cllr Hargreaves nor I or the borough has done anything to institute a crossing at the Castle Gardens.

Although the Labour Party has hijacked this issue, in fact when we were first elected in 1999, we wrote expressing our concerns to theborough and county at the lack of a safe place to cross the very busy road.

We have not let this issue rest and have continued to lobby the relevant authority.

Most people know that Lancashire County is the highways authority and they have the final say when a crossing is put in situ dependent on the number of accidents or a fatality.

If the Labour Party wishes to have public meetings that is fine, but do not let inaccurate information come into the public domain and get undeserved credit by only this action.

Mrs F M Gandhi and Mr J Hargreaves, Carleton ward councillors