THERE seems to be confusion over the correct way to dispose of waste in Burnley and this is causing concern among residents and the fire service. Fly tipping has always been illegal and to dump rubbish in an empty house beggars belief. The rise in this irresponsible activity dates back long before trade waste was banned from our household waste collection centres.

Lancashire County Council has never been responsible for waste collection and could not therefore "pass on their rubbish collection service to an external body," as stated in your report (LET, September 11). Burnley Council still operates the collection service for general and bulky household waste.

It is also untrue that people cannot take an old sofa to one of our household waste recycling centres. If you have a suitable vehicle, there are no problems. Otherwise, the council can always help.

The problem is the mentality of those who dump rubbish not the system for collection. Fly tippers run the risk of a £20,000 fine and imprisonment -- and I would certainly back the fire service or the police if they chose to pursue prosecutions.

COUNTY COUN BRIAN JOHNSON, Cabinet Member for Urban and Rural Regeneration, Lancashire County Council.