PLANS to transform the Victoria Mill, at Chapeltown, into apartments and a business centre are being opposed by parish councillors who claim the development would be too big.

North Turton Parish Council rejected the proposal to remodel and extend the mill to create apartments, on the grounds that what they described as a 'major' development was not sustainable in the village.

They also believed that the village did not have the necessary infrastructure, employment opportunities or amenities to support it.

The nearest post office/ off licence is three-quarters of a mile away and the closest grocery shop is one-and-a-half miles away in Bromley Cross.

It is also a green-belt area and potential traffic hazards were raised as a concern by parish councillors.

The application for change of use of the mill, which houses Peter Wood (Yarns) Ltd, is expected to go before the planning committee next month.

Clerk to the parish council Geoff Hughes said: "This is a big application and there was quite a debate about it at the parish council meeting.

"There was also quite a bit of opposition from local residents."

Concerns were expressed about the lack of pavement along parts of Station Road and the potential safety hazard at the junction of Station Road, Wellington Road and High Street.