AT ITS recent meeting, Cliviger Parish Council heard a number of complaints from residents, among them one of offence caused by bad language from users of Mount Lane sports field during football matches.

This matter has been taken up with the relevant people and is being dealt with.

A RESIDENT of Bacup Road had reported that the spring-fed water supply is intermittent, and asked whether the parish council was able to arrange mains supply. It was stated that United Utilities are reluctant to do this because of cost, and that the best option would be a bore-hole.

THERE has been an increase in the number of occasions when the regular service bus has not arrived, particularly during school run times. The operations manager of First Buses is to be invited to attend the next council meeting to discuss this problem.

LITTER continues to be a problem at the two lay-bys in Burnley Road, items collected from Windy Bridge were identified as coming from a local company. The council will contact the company to inform them of this.

PARKING in Park Road is still causing problems, the local policeman is to be asked to keep an eye on the situation.

LANCASHIRE County Council is to be informed of several issues which require attention, including a barbed wire fence which has been installed next to a public footpath, clearance of gullies which has not been properly carried out, collapse of a section of pavement at Grange Road, and alterations made to a wall near Bulls Head.