REPAIR work to make Leigh Parish Church's 16th century tower safe will start next March.

Work on the town centre focal point is expected to take 12 weeks to complete.

The two year fund raising appeal, started with a world record breaking candle lighting ceremony, comes to a close this weekend with the £131,000 necessary to meet costs intact.

The Parochial Church Council wishes to thank everyone who has contributed to the many events organised -- from a tower abseil to concerts -- which have raised £66,000.

This will be added to the £44,000 grant from English Heritage and the balance from grants from the Manchester diocese, Wigan Council and charities.

The work is necessary because of the deterioration of the tower roof, gutters and a wrought iron bracing ring which has corroded making the cornice stones unstable.

The work will include the removal of the upper parapet stones, replacement of the ring with a stainless steel equivalent, re-roofing of the tower and renewal of the gutter leadwork.

The project will be carried out under the supervision of the church's architect, Graham Holland Associates of Knutsford.

Chairman of the Tower Refurbishment Committee George Bridge said: "We are in a position to proceed with the work now but this would mean the re-roofing would take place in January in adverse weather conditions. We have followed advice and deferred the work until next March when it is expected the weather will be better."