A FYLDE victim support group is looking for badly-needed volunteers to train as counsellors for a telephone helpline service.

The Fleetwood-based Male Rape Support Association (MRSA) has already helped more than 600 men come to terms with the devastating effects of sex abuse and violent crime.

MRSA counsellors and volunteers take around 50 calls from people as far away as Manchester and Cumbria, all confiding in horrific tales of violence, abuse and depression.

Each caller is offered individual and confidential emotional support, practical advice, one-to-one counselling sessions and the chance to take part in fortnightly group meetings.

Now, after securing recognition and extra funding from the Ireland Fund of Great Britain, the MRSA is set to launch a new service aimed at male victims of domestic violence.

MRSA founder and co-ordinator, Simon said: "Domestic violence, like rape, is commonly seen as a problem faced only by women. But this is not true.

"Men are also at serious risk of physical and mental abuse in the home and it's often harder for a man to seek confide in someone or ask for help. The result is that the victim becomes alienated, depressed and, in extreme cases, suicidal.

"Our aim is to provide these men with a support system so that they can confide in us, anonymously if they wish, and get some practical advice on how to help or escape their situation."

"But to make that happen we need more volunteers who can spare an afternoon or evening, once or twice a week.

"Each new volunteer will receive full initial and on-going training but, unfortunately, we do not have the resources to pay for any expenses as yet.

"But, we feel, the chance to make a difference to somebody in desperate need is worth more than any financial gain."

If you feel you have the time, experiences and skills to commit to a regular session with the group contact Simon on the MRSA hot-line 07932 898274.