REGARDING the letter 'County Can Make Us Cross', from Carleton ward councillors Ghandi and Hargreaves.

I attended the meeting, and having spoken to several others, also there on the night, none of us were aware this was a public meeting on behalf of the Labour Party.

It was actually a packed hall, full of Carleton residents, concerned for a badly needed crossing at Carleton crossroads.

Just because our elected MP Hilton Dawson is Labour is of no consequence. What he did do was ask some very pertinent questions of the highways representative also in attendance. Instead of trying to score cheap political points.

Councillor Ghandi would be better employed representing the people of Carleton who elected her in the first place, answering residents' questions on this very important issue on the night.

Unfortunately, to do that she would have had to be there. She wasn't!

Kevin Smith, Blackpool Road, Carleton