WELL, your anonymous correspondent "Otago" certainly seems to know more about us "mesdames" than the average Bury citizen (Your Letters, September 16) which perhaps explains why he is hiding behind a pseudonym.

So, just who are you, Otago? Perhaps there is irony in the South Sea island nom-de-plume which is as distant from Bury as Otago is from reality. But let's answer Otago's charges as, unlike some councillors, we like to oblige.

The epithet "fishwife" was an offensive, sexist label, not earned but unwisely attached to someone defending her community. It was dealt by the leader of the council, John Byrne, who is now paid a whacking £28,000 p.a. to know better. Interrupting councillors may not be etiquette but when, as they have so often demonstrated through this page, they refuse to answer questions or respect the public, then it is often the only way to be heard.

Having been present at the meeting in question, I can assure "Otago" that Joanne Wilcock interrupted Councillor Boden who was not answering the question asked but nevertheless required everyone to shut up and listen to his political points-scoring. Some more discerning readers will also recall that rather decently Mrs Wilcock did later write to this page apologising for interrupting. Coun Byrne, however, offered no such apology for the childish "fishwife" remark.

The Affetside "fishwife" is proud to have stood up for her community, and prouder still to have shown the public to what level certain councillors will stoop. "Otago" has a similar style in name-calling, some of which is undeserving of a response.

Another criticism appears to be that I neither live in, nor contribute to, Bury. Over the years, I would guess I've contributed a fair amount to this borough, spending years in Bury as a teacher, a council tax-payer, a fundraiser for local charities, a voluntary CAB advice worker, a volunteer helper in my children's primary school, a school governor, an employer, and, yes, even a canvasser on behalf of the Labour party in Radcliffe.

Finally, in response to the charge that I am "publicity-seeking"; well, if it serves a cause, so be it. There are worse things to be accused of.