DISCUSSIONS are continuing over the introduction of a bridleway between Pickup Bank and Hoddlesden after members of East Rural Community Regeneration Board raised the subject at their latest meeting.

The proposed way would be subject to permission from landowners, which is now being sought. The work would cost £35,000 and the community regeneration board has already allocated £16,000 towards the scheme.

Funding has also been earmarked by West Pennine Moors officers and the borough council during this year and next. A bid has also been prepared to the Countryside Agency.

A decision to create a bridleway came about after residents raised concerns about the lack of provision for horseriders in the area.

Coun Fred Slater, chairman of the board, said: "Hopefully it would be used by people on horses and people walking and cycling between Pickup Bank and Hoddlesden. It would mean they wouldn't need to go on the dangerous thin road."