TWO town centre pubs are breaking open a celebratory cask after making their entry into a beer lovers bible.

The Trackside, at Bolton Street station, and Wyldes in Market Place, have both made a showing in this year's Campaign For Real Ale Good Beer Guide. Both pubs opened last year and were put forward by members of the campaign.

Mr Martin Jones is landlord of the Trackside, which has sold 448 different types of real ale since it opened in December. He said: "It is absolutely fantastic because we get a lot of people using the guide as a bible for travelling the country to visit pubs.

"Whenever there are new entries they will come and inspect them because it does carry an awful lot of weight."

Mark Norbury, area manager of Joseph Holts Brewery which owns Wyldes, said: "The company is delighted to be included and all credit must be given to the staff and management for the success of the pub.

"I think that the public do take note of these publications and for us to be in the book is a real feather in our cap."