IN reply to Mr G Pilkington's question (Letters, September 27) as to what the sculptures in Church Street, Blackburn, represent, I may be able to enlighten him.

As with all abstract art, it is not what you see but what you feel -- as they say.

With regard to Mr Pilkington's choice of words -- "the comedian who squandered the money" -- I wouldn't disagree, for someone involved in the site's design definitely has a sense of humour.

The answer Mr Pilkington seeks is in the perimeter of the site -- the stone balls that enclose the artefacts.

After all, there are quite a lot of them, and there lies the clue for everyone to draw their own conclusion.

I also don't feel this is something Blackburnians choose to shout about as these were foisted upon us in the name of culture -- an unwanted fixture in this town perhaps for the next 300 years, or until a future wiser council decides to weigh them in.

TOM ANSBRO, Feniscliffe Drive, Blackburn.