TRADESMEN across East Lancashire will be warned about the dangers of asbestos this month as part of a Lancashire Asbestos Kills Campaign.

New legislation to protect workers in the building and maintenance trades will soon become law.

To help firms comply with the new requirements, Lancashire's local authorities have joined forces with their counterparts in Greater Manchester and the Health and Safety Executive to get the message across during the European Health and Safety Week, from October 13 to 17.

The county's environmental health officers will try to help those at risk by contacting the organisations that have regular contact with tradesmen.

Environmental health officers from councils in Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Chorley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Ribble Valley and Rossendale are taking part in the campaign.

Information packs are being distributed to local trade centres, plumbing suppliers and builders' merchants and suppliers will be asked to display the eye-catching packs in prominent places. Packs contain warnings and advice about asbestos and information about the responsibilities that clients have towards their contractors.

Asbestos-related diseases include mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer and it can take between 15 and 60 years after first exposure before the fatal diseases develop.

It is illegal to use asbestos in the construction or refurbishment of any premises but thousands of tonnes of it were used in the past and much of it is still in older buildings.

Denise Johnson, of the Lancashire Association of Chief Environmental Health Officers, said: "Asbestos kills an estimated 3,000 people every year and sadly we can expect this figure to keep on rising.

"People who work with asbestos are at risk, particularly those who are involved in the refurbishment, repair or maintenance of buildings, such as plumbers and carpenters.

"Strict regulations apply to prevent or control exposure to asbestos and since 1999 the supply and use of virtually all asbestos products has been banned. The Control of Asbestos at Work regulations impose a new duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises and we want to help firms comply with this requirement before it becomes law next May.

"We hope that suppliers from across the region will work with us and help raise awareness among those who, by the nature of their work, may be exposed to asbestos-containing materials."

More information is available on the website, or from local environmental health departments.