EDUCATION isn't just for youngsters - adults can learn too thanks to innovative new computer-based courses being held in Rossendale.

Christine Hawke, of the Kingfisher learndirect Centre, based in Burnley Road, Rawtenstall, is hoping the courses will help encourage adults to learn more about computers.

Christine said: "Computers can be off-putting for many of us but discovering how to tackle new technology via Computers 'Don't Bite' and the 'European Computer Driving Licence' is a perfect starting point for anyone thinking of expanding their horizons. Why should the youngsters have all the benefits?"

The learndirect approach offers a variety of courses enabling people to brush up on maths, improve their English or pick up a new language. There is also a host of courses developed for business.

People can study at home, work or at the Kingfisher learndirect Centre. To find out more contact 01706 836000.