Well it isn't the full marathon but it might as well be for this group of runners.

A team of men from Bangor Street Community Centre, Blackburn have been training for six months and are to run the 10K marathon in order to raise money for the Meningitis Trust fund.

The charity half marathon and 10k takes place in Liverpool later this month.

They have been training under the supervision of Recreation and Play Officer Ian Roberts who put the team of 15 through their paces every Tuesday evening and as he explained it was pretty hard work. "They weren't the fittest set of lads at first. In the beginning only four would turn up to the training sessions.

"But I must say I have seen a lot of improvements in the their attitudes. And they have become very determined and well equipped to run the 10K marathon."

Ian, 22 himself has completed the half marathon before and is looking forward to seeing his team in action.

"My role has involved encouraging young and old to take their health seriously. Everything from a little exercise to eating different foods can make a difference.

"We've got a good age range in the team from Osman Sidik who is 40 to Gufran Zaman who is 18."

Anyone wanting further information about the training sessions which will continue on Tuesday nights at the Community Centre or about about setting up sessions in your neighbourhood, they you can call Ian on 01254 697020.