A PROPER perspective is what is required on some issues surrounding us.

I refer to the 'alcohol in Lucozade' storm kicked up by Councillor Salim Mulla (LET, October 27).

Before we even begin to talk on the viability of such products for Muslims in accordance with the faith, we really need a broader insight into foods.

For instance, bread leavened with yeast contains small amounts of alcohol, as a by-product of the fermentation.

Ripened fruits may also fall foul due to their sugar exposed to micro-organisms.

The important thing is, these foods cannot be considered as 'alcoholic.'

Hence, with this school of thought we must be hesitant in classing soft drinks as such, simply because of the very low levels of alcohol, however it is contained.

Let us not be squeamish and embark on crusades with a naive outlook on life.

Trade and abuse of drink and drugs is the true enemy close to home. These are the priorities.

N MOMONIAT (Mr) (address supplied)