A SCOUT den faced with closure over structural problems has been given a helping hand.

The 19th Prestwich Scout group's clubhouse in Rainsough is in danger of closing because it needs urgent repairs.

The former Mission Church, on the corner of Hilton Lane and Kersal Road, suffers from dry rot and needs to be propped up to prevent it from collapsing.

Scout leaders launched a fund-raising appeal to try to raise the thousands of pounds needed to tackle the problem. And Prestwich Area Board members have provided a welcome boost by donating £1,500 from the Kickstart Fund.

Members at first thought the project did not meet the criteria set out by the Kickstart Fund, but as the building could be used in the future as a base for the wider community, they agreed to the donation. They are also working with Scout leaders to find other means of funding.

Scout leader Alan Saunders said: "We are absolutely delighted with the decision and want to send our appreciation to the area board for this award. We want to thank them for supporting Scouting activities in Rainsough."

The group, however, is still desperate for help to save the clubhouse.

If the building is closed the Scouts will have nowhere to meet and could be forced to disband.