BALL-bearings were fired at a bus window in the latest vandalism attack which could force the temporary withdrawal of a popular Bury service.

Following Wednesday evening's (Nov 5) incident, First bosses immediately suspended the 472 service and re-routed the 474.

Now, they have warned that if two similar attacks are reported within the next seven days, the suspension and diversion will be enforced for a week.

The ball-bearings were fired at the bus by youths in the Wolstenholme Avenue area of Walmersley at around 7.30pm.

Last week, the Bury Times reported that a heavy concrete gate post was hurled through the window of a 474 bus in Brandlesholme. Over recent weeks, this area has emerged as a vandalism "hot spot". This and a separate incident forced First Bus to withdraw and re-route services on two evenings.

Mr David Longmate, a service manager at First Bus's Bury depot, said yesterday: "After the ball-bearing attack, we took off the 472 service and diverted the 474 away from the Walmersley area."

And he warned: "This now sparks a possible seven-day withdrawal. This will be done if we get two similar incidents occurring within the next week."

First Bus stress they will not compromise on the safety of their drivers and passengers.

Meanwhile, police are investigating Wednesday night's attack.