PLANS for a new youth and community centre in Brierfield will be put to county councillors on Wednesday.

The proposed youth and community facility would be attached to Edge End school, in Hibson Road, and would provide an internet room and activity space to be used by members of the local community for a variety of activities.

But local objectors and a ward councillor have expressed fears it could create trouble in a quiet residential area.

The proposed opening hours for the centre are 5pm to 10pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm Saturdays and 9am to 1pm on Sundays.

Proposals for the centre were submitted earlier this year, but were withdrawn as they did not include access and car park improvements.

The new plans include widened access to the school and a proposal to remodel and resurface the car park.

Lancashire County Council has received two objections to the proposal from residents on the grounds of increased traffic and noise, anti-social behaviour and the possibility that youngsters using the centre would congregate afterwards.

The report advises county councillors that "there is a recognised need for community facilities of this nature in the surrounding area" and recommends permission for the facility be granted.

However ward borough councillor and chair of the Brierfield and Reedley area committee, Coun Frank Clifford, says he agrees with objectors that the proposal could bring problems into an area which doesn't really need the facility.

Coun Clifford said: "I have a number of concerns about this application, because it comes after the bill for a £150million redevelopment of schools has been lodged and I think we should await the otucome of that then development will not need to be piecemeal.

"Also, this is an area with mainly semi-detached houses which is not densely populated and there are other areas which could get more benefit from a facility like this.

"Personally I think the application should be withdrawn."