WAR veterans behind a breakaway Remembrance Sunday service today vowed it would go ahead -- with or without a clergyman to lead it.

But members of Great Harwood Royal British Legion are still hoping someone will come forward to answer their plea at the 11th hour.

They held their own service at the town's memorial last year after a local minister insisted her congregation stay in church for the traditional 11am silence.

Now they have been left without a member of the clergy to perform the service after the dispute prompted the retired minister who took part last year to drop out.

RBL spokesman Richard Davies said: "We are determined the service will go ahead whatever the situation is come Sunday.

"It will be pretty much the same as last year's service but, ideally, the members would all like a clergyman to lead it. We're just hoping somebody will come forward in the next few days."

Problems started two years ago when ex-servicemen wanted to observe the traditional two-minute silence at the town's cenotaph at 11am.

But St Bartholomew's vicar, The Rev Janet Heil, refused to move the civic event forward, saying the silence had traditionally been observed in church before the congregation moved on to the cenotaph.

Again this year, RBL members, RAF Association members, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, members of the town's civic society, police, fire service and St John Ambulance representatives will take part in the parade to the cenotaph in Memorial Park, starting at Towngate at 10.30am.

RBL will decide at the last minute who will lead the service.

Anyone who knows a clergyman/woman willing to help should contact the RBL c/o Richard Davies on 01254 882397.