BOGUS officials who victimise the elderly are themselves being targeted in a police crackdown in the Leigh area.

This week police cadets, officers and civilian staff are reassuring victims of doorstep conmen, giving them crime prevention tips and fitting free memo minder devices.

The project has been funded by money cadets won in a Make a Difference competition in which the cadets highlighted distraction burglary.

PC Ian Halliwell said: "Thieves play on the fact that we are sometimes forgetful. This is a particularly nasty and cowardly type of crime targeting older members of our communities.

"The Memo Minder is a unit fitted close to the front door activated by movement. It plays a pre-recorded message reminding the housholder to put a chain on and not open the door without first seeing identification."

PC Halliwell urges people to keep a watchful eye on elderly neighbours.