BURY Business Network has launched the first in its series of innovative master classes to help companies fully harness the benefits of Internet-based technologies.

Altogether, these six special workshops will help guide firms through the process of integrating information communication technologies into their way of doing business.

The thriving Network, which has seen its membership soar over the past year to more than 60, meets each month at the Bolholt Hotel. Meetings are managed by Brian Berry.

Philip Coen, a recognised business strategist, has developed this unique opportunity with Brian and the programme is believed to be the first of its kind in the country.

Commenting on the first master class, Brian said: "The response has been very positive indeed and all the businesses that attended found the evening very rewarding.

"People told me the master class had a brilliant approach and that their businesses would benefit greatly."

Another feature is that the master classes are being professionally filmed and a CD of the presentation will be available.