THE leader of South Ribble's Conservative group has blamed the loss of confidence in former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith for a by-election defeat which has cost the party a seat they have held for nearly 30 years.

The party were dealt the blow after losing the Walton-le-Dale seat -- which they have held since 1974 -- to a first-time Liberal Democrat councillor last week.

The by-election on Thursday, October 30, followed the death of Coun Harold Clarkson on July 2 this year.

Christine Leeming, of Briarwood Close, Leyland, was elected by a majority of just 33 votes. But Coun Jim Breakell, Conservative leader, said the loss could be put down to the state of the Conservative party nationally, since Mr Duncan Smith was voted out of his position as party leader.

Coun Breakell said: "We are very sorry about it. It's one of those things, I suppose, partly to do with the effects of the turmoil in the Conservative Party nationally.

"I think people are sick and tired of what is going on nationally."

Candidates' votes were: Coun Leeming 316; John Cannon, Conservative, 283; Graham Davies, Labour, 92; and Michael Nathan, Idle Toad, 78. There were four 'spoilt' votes.

Walton-le-Dale is traditionally a Conservative area, and now has two council seats in South Ribble. The second is still held by Graham O'Hare, a Conservatve.

Coun Leeming, 47, a mother-of-four, has been a member of the Liberal Democrat Party for 20 years, and stood at the last local elections, but lost.

But she insists she won her seat through hard work.

Coun Leeming, a physiotherapy assistant at the Royal Preston Hospital, said: "I suppose the national situation in the Conservative Party played a small part but nobody mentioned that to me when I was talking to people. I would like to think that it's more because I'm listening to people."