Thatto Heath 18 Leigh East 38

DON'T write off Leigh East just yet! That was the message which emerged - loud and clear - from Friday night's classic Arriva Trains Conference fixture against the then Premier Division leaders, Thatto Heath.

East remain in eighth place but they are just four points behind the lead clubs. And Friday's prime performance suggested that Jim Taylor's side is quite capable of closing that gap in a division that is the most competitive since the inauguration of the Conference League.

Yet East made the kind of nervous start which would have rocked many teams, especially against a side with such a formidable reputation as Thatto Heath's.

The game was barely 25 seconds only when the fumbled kick off let Mike Woods in for a converted try. But instead of crumbling the Leigh side drew on every reserve of their character, every ounce of their skill to inflict their heaviest defeat of the season on their St Helens hosts.

And there is no question that this, East's first away win this campaign, was also their best performance of the season. From full back Simon Warhurst, who looked close to his best again, to the brilliant loose forward Liam Rowson, this was a teamwork display of immense proportions with commitment, attitude, skill, speed and experience creating the blend that left Thatto shell shocked.

Masterminding the win was Man of the Match John Gunning who with Danny Kilshaw created a stunning partnership that Thatto Heath could not control. But the Leigh halfbacks would have been ineffectual without the tremendous support of their team-mates in particular Lee Wingfield, Rowson, Ian Lewis, Michael Whiteside, Michael Redford - back in the fold after a spell with Chorley - and, in the first half, Gary Fletcher.

East quickly recovered from their disastrous start and a break from Rowson set up a try for Kilshaw which Woods goaled to level the scorers.

Thatto's Mike Woods restored the home lead with a penalty but East scorched in for two more first half tries, Redford finishing off a length of the field move and Wingfield scoring a fine effort near the posts. Woods converted both and added an ambitious long-range penalty for East to lead 20-8 at the half way stage.

Final say

Young Lion Rowson - surely destined for full international honours - scored two minutes into the second half followed by a touchdown from Robert Bowdler. Thatto Heath scored two tries in two minutes to give a somewhat false reflection of the game but East had the final say with a truly brilliant try from Rowson who, after Rowley had forced an handling error with a tremendous tackle, cantered more than 60 yards for a spectacular finish. Woods goaled to make it seven tries out of seven attempts.