VILLAGERS who have got the hump over the poor state of a road have gone straight to Westminster.

Neighbours in Boothway, Tottington, met with Bury North MP David Chaytor, in a desperate bid to get the pothole-ridden road behind their houses repaired.

According to residents two people have been injured, one breaking her arm after she tripped.

Mrs Betty Williamson said: "We have been fighting for three years to get the road brought up to an acceptable standard. But we keep getting told there is no money."

Earlier this year, Bury Council carried out work on a 10 metre stretch of the road. This week highways bosses agreed to re-inspect the road after being contacted by the Bury Times about Mr Chaytor's meeting with residents.

"They said they had enough money for just ten metres work, so they did that and left the rest. The road is in a bad condition and if left it will just get worse," said Mrs Williamson's husband Fred

He added: "Many people think the back of Boothway is just a back road but it is not. It is an access road for cars including emergency vehicles and is used for deliveries. We have been told not to obstruct the road."

The couple say they were advised by Mr Chaytor to get together a petition.

"We have collected around 50 names and given it to Mr Chaytor." An officer from the council's highways visited the road this week.

Mr Ian Crook, manager for highways and network, said: "We will approve work on the pothole and assess the road in next year's maintenance programme."