THE Citizen, in conjunction with Tesco Express, is proud to present the worthy winners of our Search for a Local Hero competition.

Father and daughter Alan Dollive and Tracey Creighton were our first winners. They were chosen to open the new Tesco Express at Ansdell Road, Blackpool, and were also awarded a fabulous £500 to donate to a charity of their choice.

Their story is an inspiring one. Alan and Tracey were both diagnosed with cancer within 24 hours of each other early this year. But they bravely fought it together, and happily both are now in remission.

They have used their first-hand experience of battling cancer to help others, dedicating a great deal of time to fund-raising for cancer charities. They chose to donate their £500 to Blackpool's Macmillan Windmill Appeal.

Our second winners were Judy Green and her 11-year-old daughter Katie, who opened Tesco Express at Highfield Road, Blackpool on Monday.

Judy and husband Bill have been inspired by Katie -- who has the rare condition Mosaic Down Syndrome (MDS) -- to organise a conference bringing together families affected by MDS.

The conference, held at Blackpool's Big Blue Hotel on Friday, was a huge success, with families coming from as far away as Canada and America. Katie has made lots of new friends -- when ordinarily she may have never met anyone else with MDS. And the next conference is already being planned for Canada in two years' time!

Mother and daughter opened the new Tesco Express store at Highfield Road on Monday. Their £500 has been donated to their MDS:UK charity to help raise awareness about the condition and the new conference.

Jonny Flatman, manager of the Highfield Road store, said Tesco's new 'in-town' stores are popular with local communities, so it was only fitting that it be opened by a local hero.

"Our heroes have been chosen by the local community," he said. "It's great that the £500 has gone to such a worthwhile cause."

DOZENS of families dropped into Blackpool last weekend for the conference of families affected by MDS.

Former Blackpool Mayor, Granville Heap, turned up to open the event which was held over three days at the Big Blue Hotel on Friday, October 31.

Judy -- who started MDS:UK from her sitting room -- said: "The conference was a lot of hard work but definitely worth it. Everybody had so much fun and they were all really impressed with Blackpool. Some of the kids and young adults who turned up were truly inspirational. I could see Katie's future and it looked very promising."