A BLACKPOOL man has been jailed for six years after giving two underage schoolgirls drugs before raping one and indecently assaulting another after they attended a Bonfire Night party.

Ex-bouncer, Paul Brown, was dubbed 'shameful and depraved' by a judge after admitting feeding the 15-year-old girls amphetamine before the sex ordeal in his car.

Police found the rape victim in the car in the early hours of the morning. She was shocked and frightened and her top was exposed. Her friend was in a groggy and confused state.

A passer-by had seen the pair in Lochee Road, Dundee, and was so disturbed by their state that he immediately alerted police, Edinburgh High Court heard.

Unemployed Brown, 36, a father-of-two who received disability benefit, was detained by officers after returning to the vehicle, which had run out of fuel, with a can of petrol.

When the allegations were put to him Brown, who was also on amphetamine, said: "I am not a beast."

He even claimed that the events could not have taken place because his manhood was too small.

Last Friday, Brown admitted sexually assaulting one girl and attacking and raping the second victim on November 5 and 6 last year, as well as placing amphetamine into their mouths. He also admitted possessing the drug.

He sobbed in the dock as the court heard that he indecently assaulted the first schoolgirl, then made the other perform and indecent act on the girl while he carried out the rape.

The court was told that that two girls and a friend, also 15, had been at a fireworks display when they met Brown, of Harrison Street, Blackpool, who was returning to the city where he used to work as a doorman for his son's birthday.

Brown told his victims, who were strangers to him, he had fallen out with his girlfriend and drove the girls around for seven hours.

An hour into his travels he stopped and got seven grams of amphetamine. By the time he was arrested less than one gram was found.

Advocate Depute, Andrew McMillan, told the court that first-time users of the drug could experience hypersexuality, euphoria and agitation.

"The sequence of events was that the drug was first ingested by each of the victims before the assaults took place."

The rape victim, he added: "Appeared to be unaware of her surroundings and her dishevelled state. She appeared to police to be very frightened and shaking.

"It appeared obvious to police she was under the influence of some sort of drug. Her pupils were dilated and her face sweaty."

Defence counsel, Herbert Kerrigan QC, said Brown had been driving around Dundee that night and the girls had waved at him. He stopped and they chatted and got into his car. He said the girls had been looking for two boys they were with earlier in the evening.

Jailing Brown, Judge Roderick Macdonald QC, told him: "Your conduct that night was shameful and depraved."